books and publications

Book Info

The Tomorrow of Malaria

“A captivating account of malaria history”
Karori, New Zealand: Pacific Press. 1996.
ISBN 0 9583418 3 4. 181 pp.

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The natural history, environment and science bookstore.


Plague Legends

Plague LegendsFrom the Miasmas of Hippocrates To the Microbes of Pasteur
“Plague Legends is a fascinating contribution to the history of medicine”

Order Plague Legends here: Science & Humanities Press
PO Box 7151 Chesterfield, MO 63006-7151 (636) 394-4950

ISBN: 1-888725-33-8 Plague Legends, 2001


The third ten years of the World Health Organization

The third ten years of the World Health Organization is a sequel to the previous two volumes. Based almost exclusively on official records and archives from that period, it offers insights into not only the Organization itself but also the political, social and economic…
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